My journey

Art junkie, Sea lover, Spiritual Soul, Growth Seeker & Tech enthusiast.

I have always been a creative for as long as I can remember. I explored as many creative outlets as I could, expanding my love for problem-solving and creative brainstorming.

Growing up, I was always kind of on the spectrum, and had difficulty with social interactions. And that left me a lot of time to be by myself. It helped me to observe people, things, textures, shapes and my surrondings. Over time, this deep observation allowed me to imitate realistic-like images on my canvases.

I'm Mel, a 29 year old spiritual, sea-loving and tree-hugging visual designer from the Land Below The Wind, Sabah, Borneo.

About 3 years later, I suffered a complicated pneumonia (and a lung collapse) where I was bedridden and in-and-out of the hospital for about 6-8 months. I'm pretty sure I lost my mind. I had to re-train my body to do normal everyday things again; walk, eat without assistance etc. I couldn't work, think (brain fog), or do anything. This period made me greatly appreciate just being able to get out of bed every morning. By the Grace of God, I healed well.

After a-year-and-a-half-long recovery (and flight trips my doctor told me I could never take again!), I took on the challenge to work independently - helping creators, small businesses and corporate agencies bring their creative ideas to life, alongside my own entrepreneurships and more personal projects.

In 2020, when the pandemic hit the globe, I learned how to code - earning myself a Front-End Web Development Techdegree certificate from Treehouse, and experience in moderating & guiding other students as a recruited moderator while I studied. This was where my journey transitioning into a Front-End Developer began, and I'm still incredibly in awe with the world of possibilities web development has opened me up to.